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1st Generation Family Farm

Our micro-farming history goes back more than a decade to our first years of marriage.   My beautiful bride looked at me and said "Let's grow 25% of our food on our suburban acre within five years."  The next day I put on my straw hat and was building a chicken coop out of excess space in our woodshed.  The neighbors never looked at us the same way!  Now we desire, not only to feed our family wholesome foods, but we are privileged to share our abundance with you!

What's New?

This year we are launching our new Barn2Door Storefront.   All products are available for delivery or for twice monthly pick up on the first and third Fridays.  April through October our offerings can also be found at the Village Green Farmers Market in Cashiers (wed 2-5) and the Highlands Farmers Market at Founders Park (sat 8-12:30)


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